“Best practices of leading Brazilian enterprises in the production of lysine and amino acids. The latest modern production technologies”, taking place in Brazil from 20 to 26 March 2022.
*From 1 December 2021, Russia has resumed flights to Latin America. Latin America is visa-free for Russians.
* Please note that from 1 December 2021 Brazil opened also for Russian citizens with vaccination including the drug “Sputnik V”, entry without quarantine. Also entry to Brazil without a visa for Russians.
This internship highlights modern lysine and amino acid production including AIC amino acids examples of advanced companies, the latest technological developments and the equipment applied. As part of the programme, delegates will visit factories and production sites of Brazil’s leading companies, such as:
- EVONIK – a lysine plant in the Brazilian state of Parana
- EVONIK (BIOLYS) – Castro amino acid plant / Cargill production site
- AJINOMOTO DO BRASIL Industria e Comercio de Alimentos Ltda – plant for production of amino acids and lysine Pederneiras.
- CJ DO BRASIL INDUSTRIA e COMERCIO DE PRODUTOS Alimenticios Ltda – plant in Piracicaba
- Ministry of Agriculture – centre in Rio Rio de of Janeiro
In the internship, delegates have the opportunity to see the application of the above productions innovative developments and equipment, discuss the application the latest technology for the production of lysine sulphate, production high-tech and innovative products, discuss current issues on analysis of feeds and feed components, new methods of analysis, as well as analyse the main types of raw materials used in production of mixed fodder, etc.
In the course of the internship the delegation will study effective ways of technical and technological modernisation of production on the example of the enterprises visited, the low-waste energy-saving technologies and much more.
The management of Britannica Business Systems believes that participation in the internship will bring indispensable practical experience to your specialists, which they will be able to apply in production.
Please send your applications to info@bbsconnection.com.