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Britannica Business Systems is leading provider of full service educational and development programmes for organisations and individuals. Our aim is to empower people – individuals, business leaders and employees – through our best in class industry training and development programmes and through the forging of lasting and meaningful business relationships.
We do this through our expertise in the areas of management consultancy, full service business training (both on and off site), implementing new business processes and through modernising a company’s management system.
Founded in 2006, our initial focus was on helping businesses from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) gain access to leading industry specific knowledge and information from around the world; helping to connect the leaders of both state and private companies with the people and programmes that enabled them to develop their skills and knowledge, allowed them gain access to the latest and most innovative trends and developments in their industries and forge lasting business relationships with their industry peers.
Our business has now expanded across the globe – indeed we have now run courses and seminars in every region of the world! Our huge client base includes major multinational organisations, small and medium sized enterprises as well as state owned institutions.
153 Tellers, London,
WD17 1NA
+44 (0) 208 952 6346
Why Choose Britannica Business Systems
Our global network of carefully selected expert consultants and training specialists are experts in their industries, with a wealth of knowledge and experience in their profession. We do not simply employ lecturers who have theoretical knowledge; the people leading our courses and seminars have hands on experience in the industry. Furthermore, our courses are split between presentations and learning and on-site visits and inspections.
Our team are experts in providing a full service offering, and taking care of all the logistics. We don’t simply offer training, courses, site visits or events, we also take care of everything from hotel stays, transfers, visas and meals to tour guides, interpreters, sightseeing and other activities.
We have developed exclusive relationships with leading companies and learning centres across the industries that we work with; exclusive relationships that help us to deliver the best in industry knowledge, the best in class tutorage and teach the best in profession skills. This helps us to create meaningful and lasting business relationships between organisations and nations through our network. Participation in our programmes leads not only to increased industry knowledge but also to increased industry connections.
Participants in our programmes are not just getting point by point theoretical information, but are actually learning from experts, with real life examples and real life information. Questions participants have are answered by someone with experience and knowledge to answer them.
Our programmes can be tailor made for a specific company or organisation. We can closely work with an organisation by assessing their assets, portfolios, investment strategies, technologies, employee skills and management structure in order to get an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation. From the knowledge gathered, we derive a tailor made solution to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the organisation through courses and coaching.
We have been consistently praised for our programmes and the success that soon follows from participants of our courses. You can read about some real life examples of our work and some feedback from some of our participants here.